Welcome to
Blue Raven Dental
Change for better.
At Blue Raven Dental do things quite differently to the way you might have experienced dental practice before.
Come with us and we will lead you from a place of fear, anxiety and phobia; of toothache, tooth decay and abscess; of bleeding gums and bad breath; of stained, crooked, loose and missing teeth; of sore, ill-fitting dentures…
To a place to regain your self-esteem and to smile again with confidence.

Come see us for…
-Metal and mercury-free Dentistry
-Adult Orthodontics for beautiful straight teeth
-Comprehensive Dental Implant Treatment
-Smile Design
-Non Surgical Facial Cosmetics
(Botox, Dermal Fillers and Thread Facelifts)
There are many ways to book an appointment with us:
Call or text your details to 07496 313612
Email: Please send a brief description of your problem and your contact details to info@blueravendental.co.uk
Or if you prefer, you can fill out our Contact Form to provide your contact details and we will call you.
Fees and Payment Schemes
As each client has individual needs and requirements, the treatment and dental care also have to be planned on an individual basis.
At Blue Raven Dental we carry out your comprehensive assessment and diagnosis at your first clinical appointment. This examination visit takes about 45 minutes and costs £45. Please see "Treatments - Assessment and Diagnosis." From this thorough assessment, we formulate and send you your bespoke Blue Raven Dental Programme which details the steps to be taken and the expected costs for each stage.
We are more expensive than the average private practice in the area because of the extended time allocated to each client and also because we provide such advanced dentistry.

We are confident that you will be delighted with the dental care and result you receive with us, and that you will happy to invite your friends, family and colleagues to come and see us.
We look forward to welcoming you to Blue Raven Dental.
Dr. Kevin Magee BDS FDS RCS